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Join Us for the Third Session of Our Webinar Series

Join us for the third session of our webinar series, Where the Evidence Leads: Preliminary Findings From IES-Funded English Learner Research Studies, hosted by the National Research & Development Center to Improve Education for Secondary English Learners.


Levers for Improving Access to Core Content for Multilingual Students

In this session you will learn patterns evident from data analysis across several states (for example, to what extent do English Learners have access to core content courses from grades 9–12?) and how malleable levers in states are associated with the expanded course access that students should receive in order to succeed.

Date and Time: 

Wednesday, August 28, 2024

4–5 p.m. EST/1–2 p.m. PST

Featured Speakers:

Ilana Umansky, PhD, University of Oregon

Karen Thompson, PhD, Oregon State University

Who Should Attend?

  • School, district, and state administrators

  • Directors of multilingual and English Learner programs

  • Policymakers

  • Researchers


Forthcoming Webinar

  • Results from the Reimagining and Amplifying Mathematics Participation, Understanding, and Practices Study (RAMP-UP


Registration is required. Recordings will be available following the live events.



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