Seminal Research
Explore previous foundational work by center researchers below.
Reconceptualizing the Role of Critical Dialogue in American Classrooms, Kibler, Valdés, & Walqui (2021), Introduction “A Vision for Critical Dialogic Education.”
Reconceptualizing the Role of Critical Dialogue in American Classrooms, Kibler, Valdés, & Walqui (2021), Chapter 1 “Affordances in the Development of Student Voice and Agency: The Case of Bureaucratically Labeled Long-term English Learners.”
Scaffolding for Multilingual Learners in Elementary and Secondary Schools. Routledge 29–47, Walqui & Schmida (2022), “Reconceptualizing Scaffolding for English Learners: An Ecological/Sociocultural Perspective.”
Amplifying the Curriculum, Chapters 2 & 3, Walqui & Bunch (2020).