Where the Evidence Leads—Preliminary Findings From English Learner Research Studies
Join researchers from the National Research & Development Center to Improve Education for Secondary English Learners for free, live webinars throughout the year, during which preliminary findings will be presented from ongoing studies. Registration is required. Recordings will be available following live events.
Registration information for any of the webinars coming soon.
For details on the Center’s four multiyear studies, visit https://www.elrdcenter.wested.org/our-studies.
Collaborative Practices for Secondary EL-Designated Multilingual Learners: National Survey Results
Date and Time:
Wednesday, February 28, 2024
4–5 p.m. ET/1–2 p.m. PT
Amanda Kibler, PhD, Professor, Oregon State University
Martha Palacios, PhD, WestEd
Teacher educators (pre- and in-service)
District leaders of multilingual and EL programs
What you can expect:
findings from a National Survey revealing trends in how ESL and content teachers engage in collaborative practices in grade 6-12 heterogeneous classrooms; and
how to access a one-page summary of the study.
experience developing, implementing, and participating in collaborative models.
The Development of Teacher Expertise in Secondary Contexts: Findings and Questions
Date and Time:
Wednesday, April 24, 2024
4–5 p.m. ET/1–2 p.m. PT
Aída Walqui, PhD, WestEd
Lee Hartman, MA, WestEd
Teacher professional developers
Teacher educators
District administrators
What you can expect:
the role diverse factors play in the development of teacher professionalism,
how to navigate the complexity of supporting the development of teacher expertise, and
how models of teacher development can guide future growth.
Levers for Improving Access to Core Content for Multilingual Students
Date and Time:
Wednesday, August 28, 2024
4–5 p.m. ET/1–2 p.m. PT
Ilana Umansky, PhD, Associate Professor, University of Oregon
Karen Thompson, PhD, Associate Professor, Oregon State University
School, district, state administrators
What you can expect:
patterns evident from data analysis across several states (for example, to what extent do English Learners have access to core content courses from grades 9–12?) and
how malleable levers in states are associated with the expanded course access that students should receive in order to succeed.
Results from the Reimagining and Amplifying Mathematics Participation, Understanding, and Practices Study (RAMP-UP)
Date and Time:
Wednesday, October 30, 2024
4–5 p.m. ET/1–2 p.m. PT
Haiwen Chu, PhD, WestEd
Leslie Hamburger, MA, WestEd
District administrators
What you can expect:
RAMP-UP is a 3-week math summer bridge program for rising 9th grade English Learners. The curriculum incorporates the simultaneous learning of academic English that is needed to engage in mathematical practices that cut across high school math classes.
causal impact of RAMP-UP curriculum on student outcomes,
examples of student language growth, and teacher experiences.