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Perspectives on English Language Learning: Aída Walqui in Conversation with Alice Stott

Oracy in the UK for All Students: Current Research

This recorded session is the sixth in a series of online conversations, Perspectives on English Language Learning, that highlights scholarly perspectives on the education of students who are English learners across a wide variety of settings. Led by Aída Walqui, Senior Research Scientist at WestEd, the series highlights major research advances to help educators support learning and achievement for English learners. The session features Alice Stott, Director of Learning and Development at Voice 21, a UK-based charity dedicated to raising the status of speaking in schools. She previously taught at School 21 and coauthor of Transform Teaching and Learning Through Talk, published in January 2019 by Rowman & Littlefield. The work of Stott and her colleagues on oracy has been studied and evaluated by a team of researchers at the University of Cambridge led by Neal Mercer. Download a copy of the Oracy Framework discussed in the session.


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