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Perspectives on English Language Learning:
Aída Walqui in Conversation with Jenny Hammond

The Role of Talk in Learning: Implications for Recently Arrived EAL and Refugee Background Students in Mainstream Classes


This recorded session is the seventh in a series of online conversations, Perspectives on English Language Learning, that highlights scholarly perspectives on the education of students who are English learners across a wide variety of settings. Led by Aída Walqui, Senior Research Scientist at WestEd, the series highlights major research advances to help educators support learning and achievement for English learners. 


The session features Jennifer Hammond, an Honorary Associate Professor in the School of Education, University of Technology, Sydney. She has taught for many years in the fields of language and literacy education, English as an Additional Language (EAL) education and research design. Her research interests are in literacy development, classroom interaction, and the implications of socio-cultural and systemic theories of language and learning in EAL education. With colleagues, she has completed research into the nature of high challenge, high support pedagogies designed to meet the needs of EAL students, including students of refugee background, in mainstream classes. She has published widely in these areas. 

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